Forgiveness, let's learn to give this to those people who have hurt us. 
It really doesn't mean that you excuse them for doing things that may hurt you, but it actually means you just have to prevent yourself to be miserable. Keeping yourself trap into anger can make you unhappy. 

A lot of people aren't really sorry for how wrong they did to you, they even tend to make you feel they didn't regret anything.  Those are the realities in the world where we live in. But it really doesn't mean it's okay for them to do that, it's just creating a space for happiness in your life.

Come to think of it, isn't it great to have no bad feelings and not keeping any grudges?
Doesn't life become easier when we have no enemy?
Isn't it amazing to have no feelings of betrayal and anger?

Forgiving someone isn't easy but let's just think of it as a gift to ourselves. 
Letting go, Letting God, and moving on. 

It's not for the people who made you wrong, but it's for yourself to be truly happy. 

"Forgiveness is for yourself because it frees you. It lets you out of that prison you put yourself in." - Louise L. Hay

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